Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

The Result of Pitting Two Brilliant Filmmakers Against One Another! - 6.5/10

by Popcult Productions

A trilogy is what we've all known to be a series of three interconnected films, video games, or novels. In order to flourishingly put one into place, you need an immaculate narrative, one that has the material to unfold over 3 films and most importantly one that supposed's to be backed up by ONE COMPLETE VISION from one end to the other. And to be honest, it seems like Disney for a second ceased to remember how trilogies are supposed to be made. Setting that aside, when "The Force Awakens" and "The Last Jedi" were released, we came to commend both movies, especially Rian Johnson's entry in the franchise, it's a film that revitalized originality and characterization in the series. But we think we can all agree that both flicks hinge from two entirely disparate film-making intuitions, which unfortunately immobilizes the story appointed in "The Rise of Skywalker", the two opposing visions dismiss the trilogy from surfacing as an unabridged downright story-line, you can pinpoint the contradiction itself by just looking at the backlash “The Last Jedi" initiated. And with JJ Abrams' attempt to set his former orchestration back in motion and to "rectify" what the studio and fandom consider to be a slip-up (TLJ) , the product was a film suffering from a proper fitting set up, one that debarred its cardinal message from successfully landing due to a missing connecting piece, it's like JJ Abrams wanted to go through with his vision in a sequel that continues the scheme he planted in “The Force Awakens”, but since he was robbed of his own 2nd installment he opted to jam it all in the first 30-40 minutes of "The Rise of Skywalker". And that resulted in a film assembled on the back of empty twists and action spectacles that never really came off as emotional or logically cogent, like you can definitely acclaim the good-looking visuals-direction and not to forget John Willliams' enchanting score, but whenever something visually appealing goes on during the film, you feel nothing towards it. The observable hole in the trilogy's road-plan, is precisely the incongruity of how Abrams and Johnson differently handled Snoke, it was pretty obvious that Abrams was planning on writing him off as the big bad of the movies, but Rian came in and got rid of him. So with the way "The Rise of Skywalker" depicts Palpatine's motives and employment in the narrative, it comes off as a rushed last-minute addition to the movie. Don't get us wrong Ian McDiarmid's performance was highly entertaining and enjoyable, but we weren't huge fans of the way his character was utilized. Last but not least, Rey and Kylo Ren's relationship throughout the movies turned out to be the most exquisite segment, they're the constant throughout the trilogy, that both Rian and JJ singularly agreed upon, which is why the ending of Kylo Ren's arc ran smoothly in the movie. Wrapping up, if Disney simply stuck to the basic understanding of a trilogy and went on to adapt a well-coordinated plan of action, then the trilogy as a whole would've definitely winded up in a place way more suitable for Star Wars’ reputation.
⚖️ Final Rating: 6.5/10

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