Instant Family

A Comedy that Makes You Cry - 8/10

by Miriam Atallah - Movie Sharks

Mark Wahlberg has never made me cry before, but this time he did.

In a comedy movie, you might ask?

Yes, indeed, and no they weren’t tears of laughter.

It’s of course very funny to watch a very talented actor and actress portray a crazy couple who were thinking of adopting one little toddler, but had to end up with three kids instead out of which one is a teenager.

Well-chosen cast for a well constructed film.

The movie met all requirements to be considered a comedy, but what about the context of the plot itself? Adoption. 

Kids whose some of their parents threw them away in garbage cans, others whose parents used them for profit, and some others whose parents are not even detectable.

You can’t but cast a tear or two (in my case it was more, of course

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