Spider-Man: Far from Home

Enjoyable but not epic - 7/10

by Pia Kmeid - AllBouTheMovies

This movie would best be described as a wasted opportunity in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The story being mostly spoon-fed created a less intense atmosphere bringing some boredom to the viewer.

Most actions were predictable, and the only impressive parts were the astonishing visuals that this film featured.

Apart from the emotional references to our beloved dead heroes, the post credit scenes were the only parts that left me in awe.

The actors delivered breathtaking performances; Tom Holland is getting better at blending with the Spider-Man role with every movie, and Zendaya’s performance was one of the film’s highlights. Jake Gyllenhaal perfectly fits the role of Mysterio, but I really wanted to see more of his backstory.

Overall it’s a fun and enjoyable movie, and the post credit scenes shouldn’t be missed!

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