Spider-Man: Far from Home

A suitable sequel that does its job perfectly - 8.5/10

by This Is My Review

It’s really interesting to watch a Superhero film with an original idea different than the usual Formula we’re used to see. “Spider-Man Far From Home” feels fresh and new. It had the right amount of comedy and emotions without being melodramatic. Everything happening with Peter Parker might seem strange at first, but it will all make sense after you realize that he’s just a teenager. It’s not the superhero film you expect to watch because Tom Holland’s version of Spider-Man is not usual. They made every decision suitable for him and this might be the strongest element in the whole franchise. Tom Holland was amazing as Spider-Man, plus all the supporting characters had their moments to shine. Jake Gyllenhaal was great as Mysterio, he delivered a strong performance especially during the fight scenes. I had an issue with one important scene in this film (No Spoilers) that could’ve driven the movie’s tone into a different path, fortunately it didn’t. They used this new “idea” to create something unique and to add a clever touch to superhero fights. “Far From Home” was fun, silly, entertaining and most importantly.... original.

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