First Man

A memorable landing despite a rocky take off - 7/10

by Movies-Graded

Director: Damien Chazelle
Stars: Ryan Gosling, Claire Foy, Jason Clarke
Runtime: 141 minutes

Synopsis: The true story behind the first man to walk on the moon.
  • Performances: 9/10
Why? Damien Chazelle has directed three actors into Oscar nominations in his last two films (two of them even won). I'm almost certain that that number is going to jump to 5 later this year. Ryan Gosling and Claire Foy absolutely killed it as the astronaut eaten by the stress of the job and his wife. They were incredibly efficient at selling their characters not as American heroes only, but also as human beings fully aware of the consequences the mission could have on their family.   
  • Screenplay: 7/10
Why? This is the first time Damien Chazelle directs a movie without writing its script, and it kinda shows. While I loved the fact that the focus was on the character and human side of Neil Armstrong, a big part of me was much more invested in the mission and the training he underwent to be able to achieve what back then was considered as impossible. There is no denying that "First Man" is an extremely well-written film, I just wasn't as invested in some parts of it as I was in others.
  • Special Effects: N.A.
Why? The scenes taking place in space were gorgeous. And that's pretty much it.
  • Costumes/Makeup: 8/10
Why? Perfectly captures the era the events are set in. The astronaut suit looked incredible as well.
  • Editing: 5/10
Why? I don't think the movie needed to be two and a half hours long. In fact, I think that its runtime, which led to pacing problems, is one of the main reasons why I'd say that "First Man" is my least favorite Chazelle film out his the last three. 
  • Cinematography: 7/10
Why? I have mixed feelings about the decision to make the film as shaky as it was. On one hand, it makes perfect sense as it made the experience much more believable by making us feel what astronauts feel during their trip. But on the other hand, I would've probably enjoyed this decision more had the movie been 90 minutes long. The effect lasted for way too long, and I legitimately started to feel sick at a specific point in the film. There were also some cool perspective shots and beautifully framed scenes. 
  • Score/Soundtrack: 9/10
Why? Oh look, another film directed by Damien Chazelle where the music is the best part in it! I absolutely adored the orchestral score that truly felt out of this world and worthy of the epicness of the mission. Composer Justin Hurwitz (who also did the score for "La La Land" and "Whiplash") has now forever earned a place as one of the best in the business of scoring films. 

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