Men in Black: International

A weak installment in a good franchise - 5/10

by This Is My Review

The way you choose to tell a story makes all the difference. “MIB: International” suffered a huge problem with its narrative especially during the first act. Everything seemed so blurry and many things were happening at the same time without a proper explanation. It got better in the second and third act but you will hardly notice the difference if you’re already disconnected and feel no sympathy towards the characters and their stories. Chris Hemsworth’s character was my least favorite in the movie, his acting felt fake and forced most of the time. Tessa Thompson’s performance was way better, she understood her character and knew what to give to the audience. Some of the jokes were funny, others were misplaced but didn’t really ruin the movie’s tone. CGI was really good, I can say that these were the best designed aliens in the whole franchise. The choice of colors, angles and filming locations made the movie enjoyable and interesting to watch. This fourth installment might be majorly flawed but it had some entertaining and funny moments and you will definitely enjoy it if you’re a fan of this franchise.

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