Dark Phoenix

A Disappointing ending to a promising franchise - 5.5/10

by This Is My Review

The final installment in the X-Men franchise.... Marvel has some serious work to do. “X-Men: Dark Phoenix” had some good moments, but it was disappointing at so many levels. The whole franchise suffered a huge “retroactive continuity” (adding or altering information that contradicts what was said before) especially this one. The Prequels started in a really good way with “First Class” but now they’ve become chaotic. Many decisions in this movie felt rushed and illogical, some important characters didn’t have that huge impact as if they were here to serve a purpose not more. The Villains were my biggest issue in this film, they had no charisma and I couldn’t feel any real threat through the whole runtime. Nothing in this film felt dangerous unlike “Apocalypse” for example, and if you can’t feel danger you automatically lose sympathy and interest. The movie had some enjoyable moments and good action scenes, plus the CGI wasn’t so bad. I liked the way they presented the relationship between humans and mutants, it was new and original. If you’re looking for a fun superhero film to watch without analyzing or connection the events... then you‘ll probably enjoy “Dark Phoenix”.

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