
A hilarious comedy! - 8/10

by The Movie Inspector

A hilarious comedy, Stockholm is an interesting adaptation of a true story that never fails to highlight just how absurd the circumstances were. However, what truly carries this movie from start to finish is Ethan Hawke’s tremendous performance. 

Based on the infamous 1973 bank robbery that created the term ‘Stockholm syndrome’, the movie does a great job at keeping viewers entertained via its comedy and eccentric characters. It wastes no time with the setup as it instantly takes viewers into the action and gradually reveals its plot details. With a mere 92 minute runtime, the movie manages to deliver a fast paced yet well developed story that never fails to gain your attention. ‘Stockholm’ follows two robbers who take hostages at a bank in hopes of using them as leverage to put into play their plan, only for a strange and unexpected bond to develop between them. 

The most notable thing in the movie are the great performances because they truly elevate the whole mood and provide it with great authenticity. Ethan Hawke’s comedic turn as a self described “outlaw” was hilarious and so enjoyable to watch. Not to forget Noomi Rapace and Mark Strong who aid Hawke in all his scenes. Even the whole supporting cast pulled off something great. Writer and Director Robert Budreau is truly able to translate the ridiculous scenario by creating an atmosphere that perfectly serves its purpose. What also makes the narrative even funnier is how a low-crime Sweden deals with this situation.

To top it all off, the movie is matched with lots of tracks from legendary artist Bob Dylan, and they help establish the tone even further. It was quite entertaining to see how all these characters interacted with one another but at times some character exchanges felt quite dull, perhaps because one would expect more from that certain situation. Additionally, a few characters could’ve benefited from some more depth but that doesn’t really affect the viewing because you’ll be too taken away by the absurdity unfolding on screen.



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