
An unnecessary reboot - 3.5/10

by This Is My Review

“Let’s put all the characters we have in one movie, even if they don’t fit... at least one of them will be useful”. HELLBOY might not be a popular character or a likable superhero, but that wasn’t the problem. The movie felt lost, they couldn’t decide which storyline to develop so they stuck them all together in a chaotic way. Too many unnecessary elements were added to the story, with multiple antagonists for no reason. The plot felt overloaded, you don’t understand most of the motives or actions and you really don’t care about the characters. The movie’s comedy was so bad, most of the jokes were forced and not even funny... I couldn’t figure out whether they were telling a joke or no. I didn’t have a problem with the brutal and bloody action scenes, but they were unnecessary at some point. Fans of HELLBOY and brutal R-rated films might enjoy it... but they really deserve better.

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