Five Feet Apart

Just another Clichee Romance - 5.5/10

by This Is My Review

I don’t have a problem with romantic films using medical themes or diseases to create a dramatic effect and sympathy.... if they were creative and special. “Five Feet Apart” followed the exact same path as every romantic film I’ve seen in my life, not even trying to be something new although it had potential. The script was the weakest element, it was trying to explain everything although the story wasn’t hard to follow, even if you knew nothing about the disease. The third act was full of illogical events and melodramatic moments to make you cry but they were too clichee to leave an impact. The overall comedy wasn’t bad, I actually enjoyed it and the jokes were good. One specific scene was really emotional and beautifully acted. Fans of romantic films will probably enjoy it, but we have to admit that “Five Feet Apart” added nothing new or special to the genre. 

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