Captain Marvel

Everything we needed - 8.5/10

by This Is My Review

That’s it!! The final movie before the epic “Avengers: Endgame”, and I can assure you that it’s everything we needed before the final battle. Unlike other prequels, It wasn’t trying hard to add references to explain actions and facts, they knew how to present all the information in the right place at the right time. I loved the character transformation, and this wasn’t a simple: “I have superpowers now”, it was deeper than that. Brie Larson was amazing as Captain Marvel, she had some good emotional moments and for me she was a great choice. At some point I felt that the movie’s message was repeated multiple times, but I wouldn’t consider it spoon-feeding because the dialogue wasn’t cheesy or clichee. I liked the way they told her back story, it was simplified and easy to follow, but the first few scenes felt a bit blurry, as if everything was happening so fast. “Captain Marvel” is energetic, powerful, funny.... and I’m not just talking about the movie.

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