
A good horror film that gets ruined with its attempt to be smart! - 6/10

by Yousef Blog

Was very surprised of the bad reviews of the film since its release but unfortunately Suspiria was one of last year's worst films, Saying that it was bad is a complete understatement.


Both the great score by Thom Yorke and the good selected cast didn't make it survive from what a shocking disaster it actually was. There was hope from the beginning of the film, but then it was utterly destroyed for the rest two hours.


I did appreciate some of the ideas that were written in the screenplay from David Kajganich, but they didn't work for most times, and maybe they were a bit hard for Luca Guadagnino to handle.


The film tries so hard to look smart and with it story it does at some times, but for numerous occasions it only stretches the story with rather unnecessary scenes that doesn't serve the screenplay any better.

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