Ben is Back

Disappointing - 5/10

by Cineholic

In anticipation of seeing “Ben is Back” i had mixed feelings, especially after watching the trailer which did not give a clear vision of the movie’s plot. I don’t have much to say other than the fact that Julia Roberts was the Joker of the movie. Otherwise, the screenplay is weak and scattered, the unconnected scenes led sometimes to the absence of the cause-effect factor, and there was no harmony between the cast. In addition to being frustrating and nerve racking. However, from an optimistic point of view, Ben Is Back can be classified as an awareness movie. In that case, the movie could’ve been shorter and could’ve ended the way it did. Because truly, drug addiction has no ending and no one can predict the climax then the falling consequences but one can act accordingly. Overall, the idea was there but the way it was delivered did not meet the expectations.  

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